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Today's Performances
45884 Free Happy - happy hardcore
21:00, Leicester
30685 Thonock Lane Farm parkrun
09:00, Gainsborough
31162 Penallta House parkrun
09:00, Hengoed
11740 Stacked
22:30, Cardiff
13697 Guys and Dolls
14:30, London
15836 The Noise Next Door: Winging It
19:00, Southampton
30212 The Saturday Show!
19:30, Aberdeen
45871 GLASSHOUSE Pres. Riz La Teef b2b ...
21:00, Bristol
31144 Fountains Abbey parkrun
09:00, Ripon
11106 Drag Comedy Cabaret
19:00, Manchester
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Tomorrow's Performances
30694 Gnoll Estate Country Park parkrun
09:00, Neath
46070 Sunday Comedy Ding Dong Gong Show
15:00, London
Pub Quiz
20:00, Bath
46204 Lauren Ruth Ward
19:00, Newcastle upon Tyne
31284 Central Park parkrun
09:00, Peterborough
73 Flower Festival (2028 April)
11:00, Tunbridge Wells
31095 Meadowcroft Open Space parkrun
09:00, Aylesbury
30711 GEC Recreational Ground parkrun
09:00, Rugby
73 Landscape Photography Workshop
10:30, Woodbridge
31190 Crow Nest Park parkrun
09:00, Dewsbury
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Please note: remotegoat is a work in progress

You are welcome to have a browse around (or even list new events) but at present it's patchy and pedestrian.

You'll find more accurate information, better APIs and cleaner interfaces on sites like Data Thistle.

Location: Leicester Square, London
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