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Today's Performances
30695 Muncaster Castle parkrun
09:00, Ravenglass
Birkenhead Park parkrun
09:00, Birkenhead
44816 Marvin Humes - Noughties Baby
18:30, Liverpool
31220 Upton Court Park parkrun
09:00, Slough
74 Summer Holidays
10:00, Lampeter
73 Robert Adam bookcases display
11:00, Worcester
44888 Man Oh Man Events
20:00, Brighton
31043 Jersey Farm Woodland Park parkrun
09:00, St Albans
73 Guided parkland walks
10:30, Chippenham
44766 Illumination Exhibition
10:00, Bristol
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Tomorrow's Performances
13349 Car Boot Sale
11:00, Skelmersdale
Weekly Quiz
19:00, London
31283 Stoke Park parkrun
09:00, Guildford
45000 Michael Marcagi
19:30, Leeds
Regular Pub Quiz
20:00, Brighton
11852 Witness for the Prosecution
15:00, London
30689 Milnrow Memorial Park parkrun
09:00, Rochdale
30877 Play Close Park parkrun
09:00, Melton Mowbray
45192 Mopomoso / April
14:30, London
Regular Quiz Night
19:00, Wimborne
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Please note: remotegoat is a work in progress

You are welcome to have a browse around (or even list new events) but at present it's patchy and pedestrian.

You'll find more accurate information, better APIs and cleaner interfaces on sites like Data Thistle.

Location: Leicester Square, London
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