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Today's Performances
13974 Magic Mike Live
21:30, London
73 Orienteering
09:00, Derby
44032 Eric Cantona: Cantona Sings Eric
19:00, Wolverhampton
40882 The Book of Mormon (London)
19:30, London
43576 Weekly Pub Quiz Night
20:45, Exmouth
43547 Paul Draper
19:00, Edinburgh
44536 The Grand Rehearsal - A Wedding W...
18:00, Glasgow
44221 L Devine
19:30, Leeds
44696 Jane Weaver
19:30, Leeds
Weekly Quiz
20:30, Dartford
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Tomorrow's Performances
73 Daily Hydro Tours
14:00, Wilmslow
11591 Black Parade - 00's Emo Anthems
21:00, Cannock
44568 Boogie Nights
19:00, Belfast
16739 Bluey's Big Play
17:00, Bath
11164 This Feeling
19:30, Birmingham
18029 The Amy Winehouse Band
18:30, Norwich
73 History talk - an introduction to...
11:30, Newcastle upon Tyne
44968 Celebrate | Funk & Disco Classics
21:30, London
45200 Rum, Rhythm & You - Live Music Fr...
18:00, Manchester
73 Attic tours
11:30, Sevenoaks
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Please note: remotegoat is a work in progress

You are welcome to have a browse around (or even list new events) but at present it's patchy and pedestrian.

You'll find more accurate information, better APIs and cleaner interfaces on sites like Data Thistle.

Location: Leicester Square, London
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