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Today's Performances
30032 Baths Laughs Comedy Club
20:00, Scunthorpe
45299 DVNE
19:00, Norwich
13701 Frozen The Musical
19:00, London
43547 Paul Draper
19:00, Wrexham
73 Dawn Chorus Safari
05:10, Morpeth
4968 Regular Pub Quiz Night
19:30, Brighton
43348 Sea Life London Aquarium
09:30, London
73 Life on Watership Down
11:00, Newbury
45621 Pete Morton
19:30, Leicester
73 Antony Spring Bingo
12:00, Torpoint
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Tomorrow's Performances
Standup featuring: Jeff Innocent,...
20:30, London
73 History Detectives Trail
10:00, Keighley
40548 Ushers: The Front of House Musical
20:00, London
45974 QPR v Leeds United
20:00, London
45647 Scott Bradlee's Postmodern Jukebo...
19:00, Glasgow
45500 Singalong Showdown
19:30, London
11951 Farfetched
23:00, Bristol
39608 Dan Allnut Coaching Session (Skat...
16:00, Portsmouth
26939 Big Deal Comedy Club
19:30, Cambridge
45489 Ladies Night With Bella Berserk
19:30, Dagenham
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Please note: remotegoat is a work in progress

You are welcome to have a browse around (or even list new events) but at present it's patchy and pedestrian.

You'll find more accurate information, better APIs and cleaner interfaces on sites like Data Thistle.

Location: Leicester Square, London
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