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Today's Performances
39484 The Shoreditch // Tangle // Party...
19:00, London
Weekly Quiz Night
21:00, Leeds
13730 Long Day's Journey Into Night
19:00, London
45397 Mere Amore
19:15, Manchester
44420 Theatre of Hate
19:00, Dunfermline
Guided Tours - Coleshill Home Far...
15:00, Swindon
12288 Mary Poppins Drag Afternoon Tea h...
14:00, Liverpool
Regular Pub Quiz Night
21:00, Willenhall
13697 Guys and Dolls
19:30, London
45610 Bity Booker
20:00, London
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Tomorrow's Performances
45622 Gizmo Varillas
19:30, Brighton
30387 The Moonwalkers: A Journey with T...
10:00, London
45430 Dovv Single Launch
17:00, Kirkcaldy
45996 Simple Minded/Deacon Blues
19:00, Glasgow
34693 Circus Vegas
17:00, Winchester
73 Flower Festival (2028 April)
11:00, Tunbridge Wells
11852 Witness for the Prosecution
19:30, London
46674 Dinosaur in Danger
22:00, Lancaster
45457 Sinead Tait + support
19:00, Glasgow
73 Blossom Week
10:30, Dartmouth
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Please note: remotegoat is a work in progress

You are welcome to have a browse around (or even list new events) but at present it's patchy and pedestrian.

You'll find more accurate information, better APIs and cleaner interfaces on sites like Data Thistle.

Location: Leicester Square, London
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