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Today's Performances
73 History talk - an introduction to...
11:30, Newcastle upon Tyne
73 Festival of Blossom: Blossom Tai-chi
10:30, Morden
45304 5 Tuesdays - Hey Bulldog / the Lotts
19:00, Manchester
5209 Weekly Quiz Night
20:00, Kingston upon Thames
11697 Comedy in Your Eye - Stand Up Com...
19:15, London
43287 The Blackpool Tower Eye
10:00, Blackpool
Weekly Quiz Night
19:30, London
45315 Mike Masse
18:30, Cambridge
29638 DVOTION | Tuesdays | The Warehouse
23:00, Leeds
43453 Laura Ramoso - The SIT UP STRAIGH...
19:30, Hove
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Tomorrow's Performances
73 Guided walks along the River Test
14:00, Romsey
73 Spotlight on Conservation
15:00, Grantham
45636 The Cruel Knives
19:00, Glasgow
4532 Old Time Sailors
19:00, London
34030 Bingo Bab - A Charity Bingo Night...
18:00, Birmingham
73 Guided walks along the River Test
11:30, Romsey
73 Spotlight on Conservation
12:40, Grantham
73 Becher Walk
10:45, Southwell
13698 Sister Act
14:30, London
13781 Two Strangers (carry a cake acros...
14:30, London
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Please note: remotegoat is a work in progress

You are welcome to have a browse around (or even list new events) but at present it's patchy and pedestrian.

You'll find more accurate information, better APIs and cleaner interfaces on sites like Data Thistle.

Location: Leicester Square, London
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