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Today's Performances
45433 Bingo Lingo - Cardiff - This is C...
18:00, Cardiff
34700 Spark Fridays
22:30, Stoke-on-Trent
11171 South Kensington Comedy Club
19:45, London
73 Abbey tour
14:00, Ripon
45557 The Backrooms /INFEED
22:00, Liverpool
36367 Reggaeton Fiesta // Tiger Tiger L...
21:00, London
11817 Hamilton
19:30, London
11776 Geoff Norcott: Basic Bloke
20:00, Newport
45470 As We Stray / We Are Sovereign + ...
19:00, London
45504 Paprika + Mambo Jambo
20:00, London
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Tomorrow's Performances
30670 Machinal
14:30, London
33528 Whodunnit [Unrehearsed] 3
14:30, London
45913 Tutti Fruitti
22:00, Liverpool
Tremorfa Park parkrun
09:00, Cardiff
44309 Party In Your Pants Brighton - Sp...
20:30, Brighton
30699 Colin Glen Forest Park parkrun
09:30, Belfast
31253 Camperdown Country Park parkrun
09:30, Dundee
44027 Halina Rice
19:00, Manchester
31282 Chantry Park parkrun
09:00, Ipswich
46128 Fab Four
19:00, Hayes
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Please note: remotegoat is a work in progress

You are welcome to have a browse around (or even list new events) but at present it's patchy and pedestrian.

You'll find more accurate information, better APIs and cleaner interfaces on sites like Data Thistle.

Location: Leicester Square, London
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