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Today's Performances
30898 Forest Recreation Gound parkrun
09:00, Nottingham
73 ParkPlay
10:00, Sunderland
40882 The Book of Mormon (London)
19:30, London
13846 Opening Night
19:30, London
31076 Tooting Common parkrun
09:00, London
39889 Red Cup After Party
03:00, Manchester
44768 Taylor Swift Album Release Day Party
11:00, Liverpool
31129 Bruntwood Park parkrun
09:00, Cheadle
31055 Aberdare Park parkrun
09:00, Aberdare
30902 Wickford Memorial Park parkrun
09:00, Wickford
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Tomorrow's Performances
30877 Cottenham Recreation Ground parkrun
09:00, Cambridge
31083 Moira Demesne parkrun
09:30, Craigavon
41171 Blackheart Orchestra
20:00, York
46691 Up Front NW Presents...
17:45, Liverpool
11613 Learn to Skate - Beginners
11:00, Birmingham
30703 Ynysangharad War Memorial Park pa...
09:00, Pontypridd
281 Weekly Quiz
19:30, London
30877 Ockwells Park parkrun
09:00, Maidenhead
31020 Salt Hill Park parkrun
09:00, Slough
45168 Vittorio Angelone - Special Recor...
19:30, Glasgow
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Please note: remotegoat is a work in progress

You are welcome to have a browse around (or even list new events) but at present it's patchy and pedestrian.

You'll find more accurate information, better APIs and cleaner interfaces on sites like Data Thistle.

Location: Leicester Square, London
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