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Today's Performances
22:00, London
45345 DTF - 360 showcase v2
22:00, High Wycombe
74 Shaun the Sheep: Find the Flock
10:00, Knutsford
44593 Blu Romantic Disco Bingo
19:30, Cambridge
18577 Red Pitch
19:30, London
39608 Dan Allnut Coaching Session (Skat...
16:00, Portsmouth
44558 White Rabbit Books: Richard Norri...
18:00, Birmingham
11148 Strictly Vinyl Fridays presents N...
19:30, London
45004 Coda: a Tribute To Led Zeppelin
19:00, Swansea
44569 Stop Making Sense Screening
19:00, Middlesbrough
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Tomorrow's Performances
45115 Incarcerated + Vulgaris + Sanhedrin
19:00, London
39124 Adonis Cabaret
19:00, Manchester
39733 UNDERGROUND Garage
22:00, Bedford
31251 Brueton Park parkrun
09:00, Solihull
45116 Snug Live Sessions W/ Silent K + ...
19:00, Manchester
Car Boot Sale
00:00, Liverpool
31064 New Earswick Sports Club parkrun
09:00, York
30897 Fletcher Moss Park parkrun
09:00, Manchester
73 Festival of Blossom: Blossom Bathing
10:00, Droitwich
13018 Zap Graffiti Art class
11:30, Liverpool
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Please note: remotegoat is a work in progress

You are welcome to have a browse around (or even list new events) but at present it's patchy and pedestrian.

You'll find more accurate information, better APIs and cleaner interfaces on sites like Data Thistle.

Location: Leicester Square, London
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