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Today's Performances
44581 EH52 plus Heavy Weather and Banks...
19:00, Bathgate
35948 The Lilacs
19:00, London
44582 Rhythm of the 90s Live at Boileroom
19:00, Guildford
13746 Priscilla The Party!
19:00, London
73 Yoga + Meditation
13:00, Manchester
44662 Cocowa - The African House Experi...
23:00, London
44648 Zero T Mc Fokus
22:00, Guildford
46221 Foam Party
22:00, Dundee
15280 Friday Night Showcase|| Creatures...
20:30, Manchester
44562 Summertime Sadness Club (Birmingham)
18:30, Birmingham
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Tomorrow's Performances
30909 Henlow Bridge Lakes parkrun
09:00, Henlow
34693 Circus Vegas
19:45, Winchester
30893 North Walsham High School and Spo...
09:00, North Walsham
73 Walks & Talks
13:30, Warminster
30900 Swanley Park parkrun
09:00, Swanley
37292 Zoo Bar & Club Leicester Square /...
21:00, London
31285 War Memorial Park parkrun
09:00, Coventry
30690 Faskally Forest parkrun
09:30, Pitlochry
46176 Tainted Love - The 80's Party!
19:30, Mansfield
44869 Fly Fly Triceratops w/ Neverbody ...
19:30, Liverpool
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Please note: remotegoat is a work in progress

You are welcome to have a browse around (or even list new events) but at present it's patchy and pedestrian.

You'll find more accurate information, better APIs and cleaner interfaces on sites like Data Thistle.

Location: Leicester Square, London
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