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Today's Performances
45221 Aromatik: In Store Sessions
21:00, Birmingham
44704 Jason Byrne: Paddy Lama Shed Talks
19:00, Aberdeen
25887 Scarlett Fagan
20:00, London
36059 Friday Night Speed Dating in Shor...
19:30, London
11727 London Eye and Pac...
10:00, London
39608 Dan Allnut Coaching Session (Skat...
16:00, Portsmouth
43801 Newlyweds
19:00, Manchester
44597 Bollywood Night with Dj Avani
20:00, Preston
44614 MCV First Event
20:30, Liverpool
73 Free Friday walks
11:00, Hindhead
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Tomorrow's Performances
30699 Armley Park parkrun
09:00, Leeds
39124 Adonis Cabaret
19:00, Manchester
44961 Afta Dark pres BASS JAMZ (U.K Tou...
23:00, Birmingham
30895 Workington Leisure Centre parkrun
09:00, Workington
31214 Lake Meadows Park parkrun
09:00, Essex
13846 Opening Night
14:30, London
28002 ~Fiesta
21:00, Norwich
31101 The Carrs Park parkrun
09:00, Wilmslow
44921 Pad's Sesh
22:00, Workington
11356 Saturday Night Showcase|| Creatur...
20:30, Manchester
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You are welcome to have a browse around (or even list new events) but at present it's patchy and pedestrian.

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Location: Leicester Square, London
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