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Today's Performances
44699 WWE Live
19:30, London
11814 Les Miserables
19:30, London
45004 Coda: a Tribute To Led Zeppelin
19:00, Swansea
73 Garden tours: horticulture
13:00, Durham
44564 Third Kulture - Crossroads EP Lau...
19:00, Manchester
45008 The Pistols + the Ramonas + Buzzk...
19:00, Bournemouth
44577 JohnsysShots Presents: Match Fixing
19:00, Liverpool
45344 Mardi Gras - A Taste of New Orleans
19:00, Wirral
44749 The Collective
21:00, Manchester
44134 Kris Barras Band
18:30, Nottingham
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Tomorrow's Performances
30930 Bramhall Park parkrun
09:00, Stockport
45353 Amen 4/20 - LOKOKOS //SWEDE //BJC
21:00, Belfast
44961 Afta Dark pres BASS JAMZ (U.K Tou...
23:00, Birmingham
11863 Tankus The Henge
20:00, Exeter
31286 Kilbroney Park parkrun
09:30, Newry
3069 Pub Quiz
20:30, London
34075 Frankie Valli Tribute
19:00, Bradford
31040 Cyclopark parkrun
09:00, Gravesend
42101 The Picture of Dorian Gray
19:30, London
73 Blossom
10:00, Bromyard
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Please note: remotegoat is a work in progress

You are welcome to have a browse around (or even list new events) but at present it's patchy and pedestrian.

You'll find more accurate information, better APIs and cleaner interfaces on sites like Data Thistle.

Location: Leicester Square, London
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