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Today's Performances
43347 The Mind of Moriarty: Live Escape...
10:00, London
27995 Birmingham Royal Ballet The Sleep...
19:30, London
73 Journey Through Blossom
10:30, Wilmslow
Regular Quiz
20:00, Manchester
Egg: Absolutely Fine
21:15, London
45686 Swansea University v Cardiff Univ...
19:00, Swansea
Pub Quiz
20:00, London
36280 The Shoreditch // Luau // Party T...
19:00, London
36269 Shoreditch Hip-Hop & RnB Party //...
20:00, London
1930 Weekly Quiz Night
20:00, Bromley
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Tomorrow's Performances
43783 Oli Brown & the Dead Collective
19:00, Wolverhampton
35840 Michael McIntyre: Macnificent
20:00, Hull
73 Bodiam Castle tour
14:15, Robertsbridge
43287 The Blackpool Tower Eye
10:00, Blackpool
Regular Quiz Night
20:00, London
45648 The Maine: the Sweet 16 Tour
19:00, Manchester
42685 London Dungeon
10:00, Livingston
Regular Quiz
19:30, London
73 House tours
13:45, Worcester
33528 Whodunnit [Unrehearsed] 3
14:30, London
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Please note: remotegoat is a work in progress

You are welcome to have a browse around (or even list new events) but at present it's patchy and pedestrian.

You'll find more accurate information, better APIs and cleaner interfaces on sites like Data Thistle.

Location: Leicester Square, London
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