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Today's Performances
40774 London Pub Crawl
19:30, London
31059 Mountsfield Park parkrun
09:00, London
30879 Eglinton Country Park parkrun
09:30, Irvine
73 From the Earth exhibition
10:30, York
11828 Matilda the Musical
19:30, London
44855 SHXTSHOW 420 Rap Party
19:00, Leeds
44873 This Is Hard Techno
20:00, Liverpool
45039 Aterrizado Presents: Tom Nolan at...
14:00, Southsea
31123 Exeter Quay & River Valley Park p...
09:00, Exeter
11815 The Mousetrap
19:30, London
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Tomorrow's Performances
31179 Wotton Community Parc parkrun
09:00, Wotton-under-Edge
30711 GEC Recreational Ground parkrun
09:00, Rugby
11652 LAUGH THERAPY || Creatures Comedy...
20:30, Manchester
30928 Hove Park parkrun
09:00, Hove
45140 Earthcaster + Boycott the Baptist...
19:00, Carlisle
73 Blossom Week
11:00, Broadway
45062 Rumble Wrestling returns to Hawkinge
15:00, Folkestone
14619 Weekly Quiz
19:30, London
Ravensknowle Park parkrun
09:00, Huddersfield
41120 Circus Cortex presents 'Masquerad...
13:00, Bakewell
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Please note: remotegoat is a work in progress

You are welcome to have a browse around (or even list new events) but at present it's patchy and pedestrian.

You'll find more accurate information, better APIs and cleaner interfaces on sites like Data Thistle.

Location: Leicester Square, London
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