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Today's Performances
44613 The Jersey Notes
20:30, Glasgow
44561 Andrew O'Neill Live
18:30, Aberdeen
73 Shugborough Parkland Trees | Art ...
09:00, Stafford
37540 Free Friday Fiesta!
18:00, Birmingham
37968 Sounds Of Seattle
19:00, Kidderminster
43689 Speed Dating in The City | Ages 3...
19:30, London
Standup featuring: Andrew Bird, L...
20:00, Redditch
43348 Sea Life London Aquarium
09:30, London
26956 Elephunk in the Room
19:30, Leeds
45324 Stantonbury Standup
20:00, Milton Keynes
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Tomorrow's Performances
44769 2 Tone Thames cruise
11:30, London
31268 Bestwood Country Park parkrun
09:00, Nottingham
31056 Crosby Leisure Centre parkrun
09:00, Crosby
31177 Brockenhurst College parkrun
09:00, Brockenhurst
31191 Blackhill and Consett Heritage Pa...
09:00, Consett
30914 Pittville Park parkrun
09:00, Cheltenham
41604 Clinton Baptiste: Roller Ghoster!
19:30, Bridgwater
73 New Den Building Area
09:30, Cambridge
45101 October Drift
19:30, Cardiff
30883 Thornes Park parkrun
09:00, Wakefield
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Please note: remotegoat is a work in progress

You are welcome to have a browse around (or even list new events) but at present it's patchy and pedestrian.

You'll find more accurate information, better APIs and cleaner interfaces on sites like Data Thistle.

Location: Leicester Square, London
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