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Today's Performances
44910 Now That's Garage
21:00, Hertford
44939 Traxxwerk
22:00, Manchester
45031 Rhinestone Rodeo: The Big One
22:00, Edinburgh
44816 Marvin Humes - Noughties Baby
18:30, Liverpool
31068 Penrhyn Castle parkrun
09:00, Bangor
31225 Upton Country Park parkrun
09:00, Poole
31022 Polkemmet Country Park parkrun
09:30, Bathgate
30902 Sandhurst Memorial Park parkrun
09:00, Sandhurst
19:00, Belfast
11169 Vivaldi Four Seasons by Candlelight
20:00, London
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Tomorrow's Performances
30913 North Walls Recreation Ground par...
09:00, Winchester
14145 Legoland
10:00, Windsor
31250 Northampton Racecourse parkrun
09:00, Northampton
30877 Telford Town Park parkrun
09:00, Telford
13746 Priscilla The Party!
13:00, London
73 Festival of Blossom: Blossom Bathing
10:00, Droitwich
30711 Clough Hall Park parkrun
09:00, Stoke-on-Trent
31224 Locke Park parkrun
09:00, Redcar
14735 Regular Pub Quiz Night
20:00, Poole
31193 Tilgate Park parkrun
09:00, Crawley
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Please note: remotegoat is a work in progress

You are welcome to have a browse around (or even list new events) but at present it's patchy and pedestrian.

You'll find more accurate information, better APIs and cleaner interfaces on sites like Data Thistle.

Location: Leicester Square, London
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