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Today's Performances
42365 Staying Relevant Live!
19:30, Plymouth
13705 Six
16:00, London
31162 Beckton District Park South parkrun
09:00, London
74 Shaun the Sheep: Find the Flock
10:00, Knutsford
44786 Groovebox Binks Terrace Opening P...
14:00, Nottingham
45114 Southwest Showcase: Foreign Voice...
19:00, Torpoint
13735 Stranger Things : The First Shadow
13:00, London
31614 Car Boot Sale
12:00, London
43787 L'objectif
18:00, Birmingham
30703 Clacton Seafront parkrun
09:00, Clacton-on-Sea
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Tomorrow's Performances
15091 Afrobeats Sunday Vibes
18:00, Ilford
3941 Weekly Pub Quiz Night
19:30, London
30689 Ely Country Park parkrun
09:00, Ely
31090 The Carrs parkrun
09:00, Wilmslow
Hanworth Air Park Leisure Centre ...
09:00, Feltham
417 Car Boot Sale
00:00, Farnham
30684 Battle Recreation Ground juniors ...
09:00, Battle
30694 Friary Park parkrun
09:00, London
73 Walks & Talks
11:00, Warminster
30711 Katherine Warington School junior...
09:00, Harpenden
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Please note: remotegoat is a work in progress

You are welcome to have a browse around (or even list new events) but at present it's patchy and pedestrian.

You'll find more accurate information, better APIs and cleaner interfaces on sites like Data Thistle.

Location: Leicester Square, London
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