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Today's Performances
45008 The Pistols + the Ramonas + Buzzk...
19:00, Bournemouth
74 Ickworth - A Design Masterpiece
11:00, Bury Saint Edmunds
73 Walks & Talks
13:30, Warminster
16739 Bluey's Big Play
17:00, Bath
11373 Pet Needs
19:00, Bristol
36004 Stretch
23:00, Manchester
73 Nature's Tapestry | Botanical Emb...
10:00, Chipping Campden
73 Upton social walks - March-July
10:30, Banbury
44605 Morse Contact Live in the Lounge
20:00, London
73 Lost follies and vanished places ...
10:00, Ripon
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Tomorrow's Performances
31097 Gedling Country Park parkrun
09:00, Nottingham
31157 Ormeau Park parkrun
09:30, Belfast
30691 Silloth Promenade parkrun
09:00, Wigton
31158 Seaton Esplanade parkrun
09:00, Seaton
73 ParkPlay
10:00, Sunderland
73 'A Tiger in the Castle' Exhibitio...
11:00, Welshpool
30904 Doddington Hall parkrun
09:00, Lincoln
45088 Lulu Pierre Quartet
20:30, London
11305 Roller Jam Skate all Afternoon for 5
11:00, Birmingham
46236 Jax Jones free pop up party:
19:30, Liverpool
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Please note: remotegoat is a work in progress

You are welcome to have a browse around (or even list new events) but at present it's patchy and pedestrian.

You'll find more accurate information, better APIs and cleaner interfaces on sites like Data Thistle.

Location: Leicester Square, London
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