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Today's Performances
Regular Quiz
20:00, York
45636 The Cruel Knives
19:00, Glasgow
34693 Circus Vegas
19:45, Winchester
32962 Harry Clarke
19:30, London
45686 Swansea University v Cardiff Univ...
19:00, Swansea
45276 Gozer & Still
19:00, Sheffield
73 Herbal Histories of Wakefield exh...
11:00, Wakefield
Weekly Quiz Night
20:30, Hornchurch
46348 Upstairs at Cherry Red's Presents...
19:30, Birmingham
73 Wednesday health walk
13:30, Sunderland
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Tomorrow's Performances
47252 The 8 Collectives: NTU Fine Art E...
18:00, Nottingham
Regular Quiz
19:30, London
15969 Speed Dating in Norwich for 20s &...
19:30, Norwich
34693 Circus Vegas
19:45, Winchester
14205 Regular Pub Quiz Night
20:30, Welwyn
45371 F*CK FRIDAYS !
17:00, Birmingham
41096 Speed Dating in Mayfair @ Loop Ba...
19:30, London
36282 Bingo Balls Thursday // Massive B...
18:00, Manchester
13740 The Hills of California
19:00, London
73 Blossom
09:00, Solihull
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You are welcome to have a browse around (or even list new events) but at present it's patchy and pedestrian.

You'll find more accurate information, better APIs and cleaner interfaces on sites like Data Thistle.

Location: Leicester Square, London
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