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Today's Performances
45129 Luton Town FC vs. Brentford FC
15:00, Luton
45354 Maison x Groovebox Afterparty w/ ...
22:30, Nottingham
11828 Matilda the Musical
14:30, London
31291 Exhibition Park parkrun
09:00, Newcastle upon Tyne
44916 FESTA Presents Summer opening
21:30, Worcester
30897 Forfar Loch parkrun
09:30, Forfar
45254 House and Techno - 1 Party
23:00, Plymouth
44925 General Levy [Club Show]
22:00, Birmingham
44831 Victoria Baths Presents... She Dr...
19:00, Manchester
30895 Ladygrove Park parkrun
09:00, Didcot
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Tomorrow's Performances
30877 Play Close Park parkrun
09:00, Melton Mowbray
30942 Wardown Park parkrun
09:00, Luton
45069 Blue Lab Beats Album Launch
18:00, Liverpool
73 House tours
14:45, Worcester
30704 The Knavesmire parkrun
09:00, York
31146 Aylestone Recreation Ground parkrun
09:00, Leicester
Regular Quiz Night
20:00, London
30704 Romilly Park parkrun
09:00, Barry
Regular Quiz Night
19:00, London
14014 Regular Pub Quiz Night
19:00, London
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Please note: remotegoat is a work in progress

You are welcome to have a browse around (or even list new events) but at present it's patchy and pedestrian.

You'll find more accurate information, better APIs and cleaner interfaces on sites like Data Thistle.

Location: Leicester Square, London
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