your definitive guide to upcoming events

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Today's Performances
Weekly Pub Quiz Night
20:00, London
45640 Akua Naru - Restaurant Tables
19:00, London
13728 Hadestown
19:30, London
11813 Mamma Mia!
19:30, London
13695 Back To The Future
14:30, London
39484 The Shoreditch // Tangle // Party...
19:00, London
45418 Pink Collective
21:00, Liverpool
73 Garden Tours
14:00, Kendal
14145 Legoland
10:00, Windsor
45370 Preston Freelancer Meet-Up & Cowo...
10:00, Preston
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Tomorrow's Performances
37540 Free Friday Fiesta!
18:00, Birmingham
12718 Friday Night Speed Dating Bar (ag...
19:30, London
45508 On The Level : Debut Event
20:00, Liverpool
19968 Gordon's Alive - Rock Classic Cov...
19:00, Bathgate
39608 Dan Allnut Coaching Session (Skat...
16:00, Portsmouth
Standup featuring: Phil Chapman, ...
20:00, Burnley
35382 Beer Hall Rumba X LA Bang
21:00, Manchester
34693 Circus Vegas
19:45, Winchester
40027 Iain Stirling - Relevant
20:00, Newcastle upon Tyne
12033 From the Jam 'all Mod Cons' 45th ...
19:00, Aberdeen
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Please note: remotegoat is a work in progress

You are welcome to have a browse around (or even list new events) but at present it's patchy and pedestrian.

You'll find more accurate information, better APIs and cleaner interfaces on sites like Data Thistle.

Location: Leicester Square, London
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