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Today's Performances
29562 Manchester Gay Speed Dating | Age...
19:00, Manchester
18231 Glasgow Speed Dating | Ages 35-55
19:00, Glasgow
Regular Quiz
20:00, York
Standup featuring: Ania Magliano,...
19:30, London
Regular Pub Quiz Night
19:30, London
44714 Swim School
19:00, Brighton
45688 ACCESSIBLE Stadium Tour - 4pm
16:00, Wrexham
2848 Weekly Pub Quiz Night
19:30, London
26977 Ellen Kent's - Carmen
19:30, Nottingham
12320 Bring your own booze comedy
20:00, London
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Tomorrow's Performances
41290 Rumours of Fleetwood Mac
19:30, Basingstoke
Weekly Quiz Night
21:00, Leeds
Regular Pub Quiz Night
19:30, Bristol
43576 Weekly Pub Quiz Night
20:45, Exmouth
45637 The Heat Inc.
19:00, London
45373 A Night at The Opera by Candlelig...
18:00, London
36170 Acoustic Thursdays
17:00, London
13714 MJ The Musical
14:30, London
Regular Quiz
19:00, Cambridge
45377 Bingo Queens and Diva Dreams!
19:00, Manchester
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Please note: remotegoat is a work in progress

You are welcome to have a browse around (or even list new events) but at present it's patchy and pedestrian.

You'll find more accurate information, better APIs and cleaner interfaces on sites like Data Thistle.

Location: Leicester Square, London
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