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Today's Performances
17425 Afro Rave77
22:00, Cardiff
Standup featuring: Lateef Lovejoy
20:00, London
42998 Cam Cole
19:00, Birmingham
Regular Pub Quiz
19:00, Southampton
73 Orienteering
09:00, Derby
44581 EH52 plus Heavy Weather and Banks...
19:00, Bathgate
45343 The Vocal house Voyage
18:00, Leeds
73 Material Power: Let the textiles ...
11:00, Chesterfield
44988 Heavy Lungs
19:30, Cardiff
73 Blossom
10:00, Bromyard
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Tomorrow's Performances
31245 Gunnersbury Park parkrun
09:00, London
30699 Holbrooks Park parkrun
09:00, Coventry
13705 Six
16:00, London
73 Guided walks to South Foreland Li...
11:00, Dover
44918 RUM + FETE - London's No.1 Bashme...
22:00, London
31056 Crosby Leisure Centre parkrun
09:00, Crosby
31221 Sheringham Park parkrun
09:00, Sheringham
31055 Aberdare Park parkrun
09:00, Aberdare
44882 Classic & Hard Rock Night
20:00, Nelson
44837 Not Blink-182
19:00, Wakefield
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Please note: remotegoat is a work in progress

You are welcome to have a browse around (or even list new events) but at present it's patchy and pedestrian.

You'll find more accurate information, better APIs and cleaner interfaces on sites like Data Thistle.

Location: Leicester Square, London
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