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Today's Performances
39787 Thursday Night Stand-Up Comedy - ...
20:00, London
45372 The Muslims Are Coming : Holborn
18:00, London
11813 Mamma Mia!
15:00, London
Regular Quiz
21:00, Lowestoft
45404 Tower Players presents Bleak Expe...
19:30, Cannock
45388 Sari Schorr and Matt Pearce & The...
19:00, Birmingham
43547 Paul Draper
19:00, Wrexham
41092 Oakwell Luncheon 12pm
12:00, Barnsley
45297 Anybody For Murder?
19:30, Scunthorpe
39970 Live Music Thursday
19:00, Maidenhead
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Tomorrow's Performances
11125 Speed Dating in Oxford | Ages 25-37
19:00, Oxford
45540 Nearo Presents: Gritty Records 1s...
21:00, Peterborough
Weekly Pub Quiz Night
20:00, Perth
45490 DJ Format
19:30, Birkenhead
13735 Stranger Things : The First Shadow
14:00, London
19076 The Popguns
19:30, Southampton
12973 Scissor
21:00, Cardiff
45531 FREAKY FRIDAY: Amapiano's BDAY
21:00, Glasgow
73 Blossom
10:00, Bromyard
45479 FDE 5th Anniversary >KILLA P + GU...
19:00, Bedford
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You are welcome to have a browse around (or even list new events) but at present it's patchy and pedestrian.

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