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Today's Performances
73 History walk - the story of Gibside
13:00, Newcastle upon Tyne
44966 Daytimers
22:30, London
45004 Coda: a Tribute To Led Zeppelin
19:00, Swansea
44571 Class Of '24: River Drive, Siracu...
19:00, Sheffield
44977 Ol' Times
20:00, Brighton
44613 The Jersey Notes
20:30, Glasgow
34345 Murder On The Dancefloor (Edinburgh)
23:00, Edinburgh
46023 ITS D.I.Y ENNIT - YNES @ LTB Show...
18:30, Coventry
11895 Peter Kay Live
20:00, Birmingham
Weekly Pub Quiz Night
20:00, Perth
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Tomorrow's Performances
30710 Abbey Park parkrun
09:00, Leicester
12199 RollerDisco
19:00, London
30895 Lodmoor County Park parkrun
09:00, Weymouth
15905 Beyond Midnight
23:45, London
31153 Hazlehead Park parkrun
09:30, Aberdeen
11646 The Crazy World of Arthur Brown
20:00, Preston
13026 Shoreditch RnB and Hip-Hop Brunch...
13:00, London
31026 Conyngham Hall parkrun
09:00, Knaresborough
31216 Raphael Park parkrun
09:00, Romford
31049 Dungannon Park parkrun
09:30, Dungannon
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Please note: remotegoat is a work in progress

You are welcome to have a browse around (or even list new events) but at present it's patchy and pedestrian.

You'll find more accurate information, better APIs and cleaner interfaces on sites like Data Thistle.

Location: Leicester Square, London
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