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Today's Performances
46349 Sadcult + Support
19:30, Exeter
11827 The Play That Goes Wrong
19:30, London
11833 The Phantom Of The Opera
19:30, London
45257 The Drifters Girl
19:30, Bromley
39610 Jack Wallbridge Coaching Session ...
15:00, Portsmouth
5101 Weekly Quiz Night
19:30, Ongar
19888 Manifesto of Bliss
20:00, Glasgow
73 Knitted Blossom and Poetry Trail
10:00, Wolverhampton
Weekly Quiz Night
19:00, Manchester
Blossom Week
10:00, Yelverton
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Tomorrow's Performances
12973 Scissor
21:00, Cardiff
39952 Manchester Bar Crawl
20:00, Manchester
45484 NAVY with Reiver and Lovell Park ...
19:30, Leeds
1937 Standup featuring: Ignacio Lopez
20:00, Birmingham
45438 Strand International Piano Series...
18:00, London
45460 Mama Mia Abba Tribute & Greek Feast
19:00, Tadcaster
45578 Sonic Bounce
22:00, Bridgend
42998 Cam Cole
19:30, Southampton
73 House Tours
11:00, Kendal
73 Journey Through Blossom
10:30, Wilmslow
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Please note: remotegoat is a work in progress

You are welcome to have a browse around (or even list new events) but at present it's patchy and pedestrian.

You'll find more accurate information, better APIs and cleaner interfaces on sites like Data Thistle.

Location: Leicester Square, London
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