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Today's Performances
38619 Speed Dating in Leicester for 50s...
19:30, Leicester
73 The Knightshayes Bulb Meadow
10:00, Tiverton
45632 Alexander O'Neal: Time To Say Goo...
19:30, Westcliff-on-Sea
45426 One Direction Party (Leeds)
23:00, Leeds
36920 Neon Waltz
19:00, Inverness
Regular Quiz
21:00, Wolverhampton
44029 Bare Jams
20:00, Manchester
43783 Oli Brown & the Dead Collective
19:00, Wolverhampton
73 Landscape walk - Waden Hill
13:30, Marlborough
255 Pub Quiz
20:00, London
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Tomorrow's Performances
13847 Cabaret
19:30, London
11775 Tom Allen: Completely
19:30, Manchester
73 Roseland Festival wildlife walk a...
10:00, Truro
47394 Fridays are free with Emilia Harmony
21:00, London
45511 Not Guns N Roses
20:00, Birkenhead
11173 LIVE: Hip Hop, Afrobeats + RnB 'T...
20:00, Manchester
45496 Fourth Friday Fringe/Welcome to A...
19:30, Morecambe
11736 Frameless
23:59, London
39483 The Big Shoreditch Wristband - 5 ...
20:00, London
45532 TNTEvents: DnB Takeover
21:00, Hitchin
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Please note: remotegoat is a work in progress

You are welcome to have a browse around (or even list new events) but at present it's patchy and pedestrian.

You'll find more accurate information, better APIs and cleaner interfaces on sites like Data Thistle.

Location: Leicester Square, London
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