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Today's Performances
30329 PROJEKT - Saturdays
23:30, Leeds
45207 Man City vs Chelsea fa cup final ...
16:00, London
45086 T!Sco Nights
23:00, London
31013 Milford Waterfront parkrun
09:00, Milford Haven
30910 Cutteslowe and Sunnymead Park par...
09:00, Oxford
36269 Shoreditch Hip-Hop & RnB Party //...
20:00, London
30693 Aston Hall parkrun
09:00, Birmingham
73 History Detectives Trail
10:00, Keighley
31009 Cosmeston Lakes Country Park parkrun
09:00, Penarth
45016 Boyz II Men
17:00, London
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Tomorrow's Performances
31185 Burgess Park parkrun
09:00, London
73 Animals of Ightham Trail
10:00, Sevenoaks
45181 Bernhoft
19:00, London
30694 Old Heath Recreation Ground parkrun
09:00, Colchester
14025 Regular Pub Quiz Night
20:30, Leicester
13696 The Lion King
14:30, London
Regular Pub Quiz Night
20:15, Blackpool
45167 Sun Sun & the Blue Blue + Support...
20:00, Totnes
31249 Avenham and Miller Park parkrun
09:00, Preston
30885 Lordship Recreation Ground parkrun
09:00, London
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Please note: remotegoat is a work in progress

You are welcome to have a browse around (or even list new events) but at present it's patchy and pedestrian.

You'll find more accurate information, better APIs and cleaner interfaces on sites like Data Thistle.

Location: Leicester Square, London
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