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Today's Performances
73 Living blossom wreath-making
14:00, Cardiff
45012 Bear Grylls - the Never Give Up Tour
19:30, Cardiff
45706 Let The Bass Kick
23:00, Sheffield
42990 King Creosote - 'Any Port in a St...
19:00, Aberdeen
34193 Standup featuring: Hayley Ellis, ...
19:30, Leeds
11894 Last Laugh Comedy Club
19:00, Sheffield
14035 The Secret Comedy Club Friday
19:00, Brighton
45571 Eli & Fur Open to Close
22:00, Manchester
45580 DNB In The City
22:00, Birmingham
35840 Michael McIntyre: Macnificent
20:00, Hull
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Tomorrow's Performances
31220 Upton Court Park parkrun
09:00, Slough
30895 Concord Park parkrun
09:00, Sheffield
31057 Lochore Meadows Country Park parkrun
09:30, Lochgelly
31244 Worcester Woods Country Park parkrun
09:00, Worcester
30922 Black Park Country Park parkrun
09:00, Slough
30893 Catton Park parkrun
09:00, Norwich
11569 Underground Saturdays at Space
23:00, Leeds
31023 Williamson Park parkrun
09:00, Lancaster
30878 Edgbaston Reservoir parkrun
09:00, Birmingham
45746 Lemonade Bangs: Open-Air Rooftop ...
15:00, Nottingham
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