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Today's Performances
73 Knitted Blossom and Poetry Trail
10:00, Wolverhampton
45624 clipping.
19:30, Leeds
34189 The Glass Menagerie
19:30, Kingston upon Thames
Regular Pub Quiz
19:00, Bristol
13974 Magic Mike Live
19:00, London
34189 The Glass Menagerie
14:30, Kingston upon Thames
73 Flatford guided tour
11:30, Colchester
45403 Homeless Ashes Film Screening wit...
19:30, Liverpool
45422 OCC x NUUSIC w/ Critical Impact, ...
22:00, Bristol
15010 Weekly Pub Quiz Night
19:30, Rickmansworth
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Tomorrow's Performances
45564 Funktion at The Wheelhouse Night ...
22:00, Windermere
46364 $BM X Little Town Blues: Snotta, ...
22:00, Falmouth
12973 Scissor
21:00, Cardiff
73 History walk - the story of Gibside
13:00, Newcastle upon Tyne
12968 BIG Singles Party , St Pauls (Age...
20:00, London
26954 What The Funk!
21:00, Birmingham
73 Garden tours: horticulture
13:00, Durham
26977 Ellen Kent's - Carmen
19:30, York
39952 Manchester Bar Crawl
20:00, Manchester
35382 Beer Hall Rumba X LA Bang
21:00, Manchester
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Please note: remotegoat is a work in progress

You are welcome to have a browse around (or even list new events) but at present it's patchy and pedestrian.

You'll find more accurate information, better APIs and cleaner interfaces on sites like Data Thistle.

Location: Leicester Square, London
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