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Today's Performances
11814 Les Miserables
19:30, London
73 Spring Blossom Early Morning Phot...
08:00, Godalming
45308 Supper Club - a Taste of Spring
19:00, Sutton
12399 Regular Quiz
20:00, London
44713 Tom Walker
19:00, Belfast
29586 Jonathan Pie: Heroes & Villains
19:30, London
14029 Weekly Pub Quiz Night
20:30, London
73 Bodiam Castle tour
11:15, Robertsbridge
73 House Tours
11:00, Kendal
73 Creative Saltram
11:00, Plymouth
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Tomorrow's Performances
73 Growing tulips walk with Senior G...
11:00, Chippenham
Weekly Quiz Night
20:00, London
45280 New Love, Alternative Dating Nigh...
19:00, Brighton
12301 Edinburgh Speed Dating | Ages 24-38
19:00, Edinburgh
13490 Everything We Do
19:30, Manchester
1436 Weekly Pub Quiz Night
21:00, Gosport
13847 Cabaret
14:00, London
Regular Quiz
20:00, Harrogate
45683 Seraphina Simone
19:00, London
Regular Quiz
20:30, Oxford
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Please note: remotegoat is a work in progress

You are welcome to have a browse around (or even list new events) but at present it's patchy and pedestrian.

You'll find more accurate information, better APIs and cleaner interfaces on sites like Data Thistle.

Location: Leicester Square, London
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