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Today's Performances
12307 Praying Mantis
19:30, Hastings
46179 Tropicana nights
22:00, Edinburgh
37727 Sophie McCartney
17:30, York
14375 Minority Report
14:30, London
36283 Tiger Tiger London // Thursday Mo...
20:00, London
Regular Quiz
20:00, Brighton
45426 One Direction Party (Leeds)
23:00, Leeds
36017 Ray Bradshaw: Doppelginger
19:30, Leeds
Regular Quiz
21:00, Wolverhampton
11843 Moulin Rouge! The Musical (UK)
19:30, London
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Tomorrow's Performances
73 Daily Hydro Tours
14:00, Wilmslow
41604 Clinton Baptiste: Roller Ghoster!
19:30, Grimsby
13974 Magic Mike Live
21:30, London
36260 Trafik Shoreditch // Party Tunes,...
20:00, London
41142 Showhawk Duo
18:30, Bristol
Fit to Burst: The Mid-Life Crisis...
20:00, London
73 Blossom tunnels
11:00, Derby
45966 Hilarity Bites Comedy Club Feat. ...
20:00, Wakefield
17850 InPop
18:00, London
45459 Kurtis Reid, Geese, Clare Cassidy
19:00, Blackpool
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Please note: remotegoat is a work in progress

You are welcome to have a browse around (or even list new events) but at present it's patchy and pedestrian.

You'll find more accurate information, better APIs and cleaner interfaces on sites like Data Thistle.

Location: Leicester Square, London
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