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Today's Performances
47334 Speed Dating Belfast Ditch or Dat...
20:00, Belfast
40027 Iain Stirling - Relevant
20:00, Leeds
27995 Birmingham Royal Ballet The Sleep...
19:30, London
73 Festival of Blossom: Blossom Bathing
10:00, Droitwich
45208 A Play a Pie & a Pint - Bridezill...
13:00, Glasgow
11733 Cadbury World
09:00, Birmingham
45414 Dave Haslam In Conversation
20:00, Birmingham
14375 Minority Report
19:30, London
73 Walk with Us
10:30, Woodbridge
45621 Pete Morton
19:30, Leicester
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Tomorrow's Performances
40774 London Pub Crawl
19:30, London
45993 Thin Az Lizzy
19:00, Belfast
46041 Patriarchy
19:30, Leeds
45548 Thekla Presents: DJ Fuckoff + Ste...
22:00, Bristol
19968 Gordon's Alive - Rock Classic Cov...
19:00, Bathgate
73 History Detectives Trail
10:00, Keighley
26940 Elite Speed Dating - Liverpool - ...
19:30, Liverpool
45558 Front Left: Workforce, Duskee, AB...
22:00, Guildford
29967 The Sesh
21:30, Brighton
45539 Resonating Audio W/ Upgrade, EJ K...
21:00, Hull
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You are welcome to have a browse around (or even list new events) but at present it's patchy and pedestrian.

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Location: Leicester Square, London
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