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Today's Performances
47254 Shindig plus Nalgo Bay & Special ...
19:30, Bridlington
Jeff Arcuri
19:00, London
73 Nordic Walking
10:00, Worksop
45653 Dave Matthews Band
18:30, London
Weekly Quiz Night
19:00, Manchester
45614 Roddy Woomble
20:00, York
14864 Trouble in the Nighttime Jazz Ses...
19:30, London
73 Festival of Blossom
10:30, Newport
45421 Selecta: Loughborough // Sammy Virji
22:00, Loughborough
13846 Opening Night
19:30, London
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Tomorrow's Performances
73 Hidcote Guided Garden Tour
14:00, Chipping Campden
45535 Chopin & Champagne by Candlelight...
21:00, London
45250 Counterfeit Sixties Show
19:00, Southwold
37577 Skate & Dine
16:00, Birmingham
73 Flower Festival (2028 April)
11:00, Tunbridge Wells
73 John Thompson art workshop: Blueb...
10:30, Haywards Heath
45466 The Far | With Support From Kba a...
19:00, Glasgow
45993 Thin Az Lizzy
19:00, Belfast
46025 Friday Night Speed Dating in Lond...
19:30, London
38562 Tiger Tiger London // Urban Frida...
20:00, London
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Please note: remotegoat is a work in progress

You are welcome to have a browse around (or even list new events) but at present it's patchy and pedestrian.

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Location: Leicester Square, London
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