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Today's Performances
11776 Geoff Norcott: Basic Bloke
20:00, Wimborne
43783 Oli Brown & the Dead Collective
19:00, London
11173 LIVE: Hip Hop, Afrobeats + RnB 'T...
20:00, Manchester
44599 Revault x JAMES HIRAETH Bar & Can...
20:00, Chester
44994 Cinderella & The Two Ugly S!*@S
19:30, Whitby
30954 The Late Show
23:00, Edinburgh
44576 The Jesse Janes Band + Liam Cromby
19:00, Liverpool
39483 The Big Shoreditch Wristband - 5 ...
20:00, London
44555 Drop The Jamz
18:00, Edinburgh
41142 Showhawk Duo
19:00, Southampton
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Tomorrow's Performances
45115 Incarcerated + Vulgaris + Sanhedrin
19:00, London
73 Anglo-Saxon costume demonstration
10:30, Woodbridge
32936 Count Arthur Strong - ...and It's...
20:00, Leeds
30915 Soham Village College parkrun
09:00, Ely
30329 PROJEKT - Saturdays
23:30, Leeds
11308 Conscious Connected Breathwork wi...
11:00, Bristol
31066 Marsh Farm Country Park parkrun
09:00, Chelmsford
44858 Heavy Hz Crew
19:00, Brighton
11373 Pet Needs
19:30, Brighton
34522 YDNY - Your Disco Needs You
20:30, Manchester
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Please note: remotegoat is a work in progress

You are welcome to have a browse around (or even list new events) but at present it's patchy and pedestrian.

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Location: Leicester Square, London
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