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Today's Performances
Standup featuring: Mark Thomas, P...
20:00, London
18471 Push Button
19:00, Kidderminster
45399 Good Vibrations - The music of Br...
19:30, Darlington
73 Walks & Talks
13:30, Warminster
45368 U2BABY The U2 tribute
07:30, Liverpool
Regular Quiz
20:00, Brighton
40027 Iain Stirling - Relevant
20:00, Leeds
13697 Guys and Dolls
14:30, London
73 John Thompson art workshop: Blueb...
10:30, Haywards Heath
45648 The Maine: the Sweet 16 Tour
19:00, Manchester
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Tomorrow's Performances
45674 Jim Bob
19:00, Margate
36269 Shoreditch Hip-Hop & RnB Party //...
20:00, London
73 Material Power: Let the textiles ...
11:00, Chesterfield
14375 Minority Report
19:30, London
47402 N&D Presents: Northern Grooves
23:00, Manchester
40187 Bring Me The Horizon Party
22:00, Middlesbrough
73 Festival of Blossom
10:00, Morden
11125 Speed Dating in Oxford | Ages 25-37
19:00, Oxford
73 Garden and abbey tour
11:00, Ripon
45516 Head Over Heels (Speed Dating Bel...
20:00, Belfast
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Location: Leicester Square, London
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